Advanced Ortho Course
Prof. Bernardo H.
"Coco" Garcia, DDS

The courses are designed to provide you with the latest information and techniques for Maxillo Facial Orthopedics, and TMD Therapy, with a very practical and pragmatic approach to treating your patients. If you have taken any of our courses in the past, you will be amazed at the new techniques & technology.
€ 795,00 excl. 21% BTW (Mwst) für Zahnärzte/Assistenten**
€ 595,00 excl. 21% BTW (Mwst) für zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte **
(Komplettpreis für 2 ½ Tage)
Van der Valk Hotel , Enschede, The Netherlands
The course is in English with no translation
For this course we have admission requirements please contact us for details.
Advanced Ortho Course – Level 2 |
Session IV - 1,2,3 February 2019
- Class II Malocclusion
- Diagnosis Treatment Planning and Mechanics
- Use of Split Plates - Selection of Posterior Pads
- Extractions vs Non-Extractions
- Twin Blocks
- FR II - Functional regulator
- Non-Extraction
- Motion III Appliance Carrière
- Non-surgical Protocal
- Elastics/Twin Force
- Sunday untill 1 PM study club
Session V - 31 Mai, 1,2 June 2019
- Class III Malocclusion
- Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Mechanics
- Reverse Face Mask - Mixed Dentition/Adult
- Extraction vs Non-Extraction
- Use of Posted Arches
- Lab Excersizes
- Detorquing Arch
- Detorquing w/Curve
- Nitanium Pro Form Detorquing Arches
- Retention
- Hawley Retainer
- Elastodontic
- Lingual Fixed Bonbed Retainer
- Bionator/Mod-Bionator
- Indications and contra-indictions
- Patient instructions
- Sunday untill 1 PM study club
Session VI - 25,26,27 October 2019
- Adult Orthodontics
- Extraction (No loops used)
- Non-Extraction
- Uses of Funtional Appliances
- Uses of orthopedics with Striaght Wire in Class II and III
- Non-Surgical approach
- Use of .01*.025 and .020 wires
- Uprighting Molars
- Regaining space
- Use of 016x016 wires
- DoubleHelix
- Carrière Motion III
- Sunday untill 1 PM study club